In 2016 I travelled to Israel. Israel is a beautiful country that struggles with bad publicity and often with hate as well. I honestly do not understand why though. I have spent two incredible and unforgettable weeks there.
From sunset on the day of our arrival in Tel Aviv, the second largest city of Israel, until sunset on the following day was Yom Kippur which is a national holiday and Hebrew for Day of Atonement. During the entire day people are not permitted to drive around with cars and other motor vehicles. The streets were empty as you can see in the first few pictures in the gallery below. Unbelievable how a whole nation can quit driving around with their cars for one entire day. The day after Yom Kippur we went to Jerusalem for one day which is Israels capital city. It was interesting to see the old city and how live looked like in the past. We also went to a huge street market. Besides travelling cooking is a passion of mine as well. So, this was a unique experience for me since we do not have something comparable like this in the small village I live. Next, I visited a place called Masada a historical place in roman history. On the same day I also went to the Dead Sea. Truly a remarkable experience as well. Even if you would try to it is impossible to sink due to the high concentration of salt in the water. Once the day was over I continued to the next adventure which was one night in the middle of the desert. There is a place called 'Succa Midbar' where a few people gathered and started building little cottages. There were about eight cottages in total and I lived in one of them. With exception of the 'main cottage' there was no running water, electricity nor cellular. What an adventure! The food which was a small but rich buffet was so delicious. I was absolutely surprised. The next outstanding sight I have visited was the historical village Caesarea again an ancient place of roman history.